Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Government Announced Major Plans To Improve Urgent And Emergency Care

The Government has published a major plan to improve urgent and emergency care services, as we deliver on the Prime Minister’s priority to cut waiting times.

The NHS is facing serious challenges as a result of the Covid pandemic and the worst flu season for over a decade. We saw the highest ever number of people attending A&E in December, which combined with high hospital occupancy rates means some patients are facing unacceptable delays.

We are already working to tackle waiting lists by:

  • 📈 Raising health and social care funding to record levels
  • 🏥 Investing over £750 million this year to speed up the discharge of medically fit patients
  • 📉 Delivering on our elective recovery plan to bust the Covid backlogs,
  • 👩‍⚕️ Hiring a record number of doctors and nurses.

The Government is launching its Urgent and Emergency Care Plan to fix A&E and ambulance waiting times over the next two years by:

  • 🚑 Increasing capacity with £1 billion for more beds and ambulances; supported by more staff.
  • 🩺Reducing pressure on hospitals by speeding up discharge
  • 🩻 Expanding new, innovative measures to treat patients safely in the community; and enhancing the role of NHS 111.
  • 🚨 Improving local A&E services by sharing and promoting best practice, so no matter where you live, you can get the care you need.

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