Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Backs Lobular Breast Cancer Project

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has pledged his support to a proposed research project into lobular breast cancer.

Lobular Breast cancer is the second most common breast cancer, and is more common than ovarian, skin kidney, brain, liver or pancreatic cancer.

1,000 people a day globally are diagnosed with lobular breast cancer is a disease that rarely shows on a mammogram. Currently it does not have its own specific treatment, despite being known since the mid 1970’s to act very differently to the main type of breast cancer known as 'ductal'.

The Lobular Moonshot Project aims to secure £20 million for a 5 year research project, at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR). The £20 million equates to under £240 for each of the people who will be diagnosed with the disease in the UK in the next 10 years.

The research project will show the world that Britain leads the way in scientific research and will enable ICR to fully understand the biology of the disease and will lead to a specific treatment, saving the NHS money and providing better outcomes for those of us diagnosed with the disease

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