Justin Tomlinson MP

Justin Tomlinson MP

MP For North Swindon

Justin Catches Up With Blunsdon Community Shop

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, met with volunteers from the Blunsdon Community Shop, to learn more about how it is supporting the local community.

Having been based in a portacabin for 19 years, the shop recently moved to a new brick and mortar building giften to the by the developer of a site nearby.

Community shops are owned by members (also known as shareholders) and are run democratically on the basis of one‑member‑one‑vote. Membership is voluntary, affordable and open to all, and is the way to ensure the community has a genuine say in how the business is run. This is what gives community shops their longevity.

A community shop often goes beyond providing basic retail provisions, and provide a wide range of additional services such as post offices and cafés. In addition they become a hive of community and voluntary activity, providing a focal point for community events and services.

Justin Tomlinson MP said "Thank you to the brilliant Blunsdon Community Shop team for meeting today to discuss their exciting future plans. I've been a long-term supporter and I am thrilled to have just secured a £1,000 grant to improve their IT system and organise a Christmas event for their amazing volunteers"

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