Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Joins Colombian Vice Minister To Sign Energy Action Plan

North Swindon MP and Minister for Energy Security and Net Zero, Justin Tomlinson MP, joined Colombia's Vice Minister of Mines, Johana Rocha, to formalise colloaboration between Colombia and the UK to tackle climate change.

On behalf of the Government, Justin signed the Energy Transition Action Plan, which will support Colombia's pursuit of a just energy transition.

Recognising that the world must remain on track to keep a global temperature rise below 1.5C to avoid damaging climate impacts, both countries have committed to ambitious reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Colombia will seek to deliver a reduction of 51% by 2030 and the UK 68% by 2030 compared to ‘business-as-usual’. Both countries have committed to reach net-zero by 2050.

Delivering on the Paris Agreement, as part of a new National Development Plan, and to comply with the renewable and energy efficiency pledge made at COP28, Colombia has set out a number of ambitious commitments.

The document sets out an ambitious workplan to support the implementation of these commitments and promote a just, equitable and inclusive energy transition in Colombia.

The main focus of the plan is to promote the sharing of expertise, experience, good practice and lessons learned in support of Colombia’s planned portfolio of energy transition programmes and projects such as offshore and onshore wind, solar energy, electrical networks, amd energy efficiency.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "Collaboration is key to tackling climate change & UK experience and expertise will help deliver our shared net zero commitments."

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