Justin Tomlinson MP

Justin Tomlinson MP

MP For North Swindon

Justin Visits 7th Swindon Scouts

Justin Tomlinson MP regularly visits local Scouts, Brownies, Rainbows and Girl Guide groups across Swindon, to discuss his work as a local MP.

On Monday evening, he visited the 7th Swindon Scout Group to talk to them and do a quick-fire Q&A.

Scouting actively engages and supports young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.

Justin has been a long-standing supporter as part of his wider campaigns to support constructive activities for young people. He also hosts regular Scout committee meetings in his local community officer at the Orbital.

Justin commented, “I really enjoy visiting the Scouts and they always have some great questions, albeit less to do with politics and more what my views are on different tv programmes and books! Which actually makes a refreshing change.”

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