Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Visits New Upcycling Facility

Justin Visits New Upcycling Facility

North Swindon MP visited upcycling charity to see the work it is doing to support people in Swindon. Justin visited Upcycle Swindon at its Techno Park Trading Estate facility to meet staff and volunteers and learn more about the work it does to provide employment for vulnerable people and affordable household goods. The project has various main strands: Reselling household items which have been donated at affordable prices. Upcycling items of furniture to sell in our showrooms. Training young pe...

Justin Visits 7th Swindon Scouts

Justin Visits 7th Swindon Scouts

Justin Tomlinson MP regularly visits local Scouts, Brownies, Rainbows and Girl Guide groups across Swindon, to discuss his work as a local MP. On Monday evening, he visited the 7th Swindon Scout Group to talk to them and do a quick-fire Q&A. Scouting actively engages and supports young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society. Justin has been a long-standing supporter as part of his wider campaigns to support constructive activities for...

Justin Opens New State-Of-The-Art Battery Facility

Justin Opens New State-Of-The-Art Battery Facility

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson joined the world’s leading battery manufacturer to cut the ribbon on its new state-of-the-art battery facility at Ignition Park. The Japanese company GS Yuasa has opened the impressive new facility in Swindon as its new European HQ and distribution centre. Covering 16,000 square meters, the building can store up to one million batteries and 23,000 pallets, 70 per cent more than at its previous European HQ in Wales. Justin joined GS Yuasa President Osamu Murao in...

Swindon Advertiser Column - Move To Greener Planet Must Be Pragmatic

Swindon Advertiser Column - Move To Greener Planet Must Be Pragmatic

The UK is a world leader when it comes to our ambition to reach net zero. We were one of the first countries in the world to legislate to reach net zero, and this ambition hasn’t changed with the target still 2050. We have also over-delivered on our targets, with the fastest reduction in emissions in the G7, down almost 50% since 1990. It is due to our success in meeting and exceeding these targets that now provides the space to take a more pragmatic, proportionate, and realistic approach to rea...

Justin Visits Every Cloud Tearoom For Community Art Event

Justin Visits Every Cloud Tearoom For Community Art Event

Justin Tomlinson MP has visited Swindon Open Studios at Every Cloud Tearoom in Stanton as part of the wider community art event which is taking place across town. Open studios involves artists from Swindon and surrounding areas open their homes, studios or community venues as pop-up art exhibitions throughout September. It is a unique opportunity for local residents to visit different venues and look at some wonderful artwork. Every Cloud is a volunteer run charity which offers activities, event...

Justin Launches New Job Support Programme With Seetec Pluss

Justin Launches New Job Support Programme With Seetec Pluss

North Swindon MP and Former DWP Minister Justin Tomlinson has visited Seetec Pluss in Swindon to launch the new job support programme. The DWPs ‘Work and Health – Pioneer’ programme to support over 4,000 people across the Southwest to move into sustained work. Pioneer will provide personalised help to people facing complex barriers to work, including disabilities and health conditions, as part of the Government’s flagship Universal Support programme. Pioneer takes a different approach to traditi...

Swindon Advertiser Column - I want The UK To Be The Most Active Nation In Europe

Swindon Advertiser Column - I want The UK To Be The Most Active Nation In Europe

This week in Parliament, I signed up to a pledge to ‘make the United Kingdom the most active nation in Europe’. This was at an event organised by the sport, recreation, and physical activity sector’s leading bodies, many of whom I have worked with on a number of campaigns / issues since I was first elected to Parliament. If we are to become a healthier, happier, and more prosperous nation, we must address the UK’s relatively poor performance with a worrying 36% of adults classed as ‘physically ...

Justin Visits Evoke Gymnastics To See New Soft Play Offering

Justin Visits Evoke Gymnastics To See New Soft Play Offering

North Swindon MP Justin Tominson paid a visit to the popular Evoke Gymnastics to see its new soft play offering. Evoke Gymnastics is a ‘not for profit’ organisation based in Croft Sports Centre, offering Acrobatic and Rhythmic Gymnastics classes for both recreational and competition level. Evoke is lead by two ex-international gymnasts; Nikita a World Champion in Acrobatic gymnastics and Rebecca a British and Commonwealth Games champion in Rhythmic gymnastics. They also performed all over the wo...

Swindon Advertiser Column - Busy Week Discussing Disability Issues

Swindon Advertiser Column - Busy Week Discussing Disability Issues

In August, new RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete – a building material used since the 1950’s) events came to light reducing confidence that schools could manage RAAC without mitigations in place. As a parent whose eldest daughter starts school this week, I absolutely shared concerns as to whether our local schools would be impacted. Thankfully, as it stands, no local schools are. Any impacted school has been given an individual caseworker and the Chancellor has made it clear the ne...

Justin Meets With Police To Discuss Anti-Social Behaviour In Moredon And Rodbourne Cheney

Justin Meets With Police To Discuss Anti-Social Behaviour In Moredon And Rodbourne Cheney

Recently, I have been supporting a number of local residents in the Rodbourne Cheney and Moredon area dealing with crime and anti-social behaviour issues. People should be able to feel safe and comfortable in their home and community and it is unacceptable that they should be prevented from doing so by bullies and criminals. To help tackle the issue, I have been working closely with the Borough Council and local policing team to highlight the concerns raised and ensure they are addressed. As par...